вторник, 29 марта 2011 г.

redmine e-mail configuration with exim4 on debian/ubuntu

So where I was: I had redmine installed from ubuntu repository, I had exim4 configured to work with gmail, and all that /usr/share/doc/redmine/README.Debian.gz was saying about email configuration that I had to copy /usr/share/doc/redmine/examples/email.yml.example into /etc/redmine/default/email.yml
but in this instruction I have found exactly needed peace of config:
  delivery_method: :smtp
    port: 25
    domain: your-domain.com
    authentication: :none
That's it. You've only to replace "production" section in /etc/redmine/default/email.yml with code above and don't forget to change 'your-domain.com' with domain configured in your mail server (exim4).

пятница, 25 февраля 2011 г.

Installation mongodb+php on Ubuntu/Debian

By looking in internet for way to install mongodb driver I have found only truncated instructions. And there will be my complete guide :)

First of all we need to install mongodb server:
 sudo aptitude install mongodb  
And try whether it works:
 $ mongo  
 MongoDB shell version: 1.6.6-pre-  
 connecting to: test  
 > show dbs  
Now we can install pear
 sudo apt-get install php5-dev php-pear  
and download & install mongodb driver for php
 sudo pecl install mongo
now we have to create file /etc/php5/conf.d/mongo.ini and write 1 line in it
restart apache
 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart  
and try some php code like that:
 var_dump(new Mongo());  
in my case output was
 object(Mongo)#1 (4) {  
  string(0) ""  

среда, 9 февраля 2011 г.

putty autoreconnect

I'm having hard time right now... while using Windows. And one of problems is using PuTTY. This is great software for Windows world, but extremely unusable for me as Linux user.
Having all the time yakuake terminal running number of sessions, I sometime open ssh-sessions and they never lose connection even if I'm not using them (except internet loss or downtime). So I was expecting same with putty or auto-reconnect feature at least.

In fact there is simple solution, which i get on superuser.com. I just set up keepalive in Connection settings.

суббота, 11 сентября 2010 г.

How often do you google yourself?

I like do that :) right now I found out that my advice was helpful for some people for Erlang<->PHP interaction in web-development :) And google found it on facebook.

How to print google wave from Google Chrome

I've already googled this and I got firefox plugin as a solution.
What if I'm not have firefox, but have Google Chrome?
It's simple! You also may change User-Agent in Chrome, but even without installing any plugins, you just have to run google crhome with additional command line argument (you can use this instruction if you don't know how do that in Windows).
You should run
chromium-browser --user-agent="Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en)" (replace "chromium-browser" to whatever applied for you like "chrome.exe" or "google-chrome" depending on version)
and than simply open http://wave.google.com now all waves will be ready to print or even to export to pdf if you decide to print waves into pdf files :)